C2A hotel booking service

Access the largest choice of hotels in France thanks to your C2A smart card.

Ask for a personalised study
Illustration of Piggy with a mobile phone.

Your employees also
have the right to the best comfort

Pictogram of a task list.

A unique web platform

Book and pay for your hotel in France via your MyC2A web page.

Pictogram of a document.

The largest choice

Compare prices from nearly 110 suppliers and 20,000 hotels in France (Booking, Expedia, Hotels.com, Accor Hotels and more ).

Euro symbol pictogram.

At the best price

Need a room for less than €60 per night? Choose your rate according to your travel policy.

Restoration pictogram.

20,000 hotels in France

Benefit from a single web interface that encompasses all the major hotel brands.

Intuitive platform

Book online using your MyC2A (manager) or MyC2A Check (cardholder) web page. Find the best offer in real time thanks to our search engine designed by our partner, CDS.

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Image créative avec la carte C2A Flex, l'espace web MyC2A et le dessin d'une voiture Pictogram of a task list.

Best rate guaranteed

Select your search filters according to your business travel policy (hotel category, hotel chain, type of service, room under 60€/night, etc. ).

Request a quote
Man who works and adds a coin to his piggy bank Settings pictogram.

Monthly summary

Get a monthly expense report for all your employees' hotel transactions. This document is valid for accounting purposes and makes expense report management easier.

Request a quote
Photograph of a calculator and pen on a financial document. Pictogram of an invoice.

The company must pay its drivers’ accommodation costs.

Photographie du tableau de bord d'un poids lourd.

The C2A hotel service complies with the new Mobility Package European regulation (applicable since 20 August 2020), which prohibits mandatory normal weekly rest in the truck cab , as well as with the French transport code decree (applicable since 31 August 2020) prohibiting daily or weekly rest in a vehicle of less than 3.5 T.

A ccommodation represents on average 22% of expenditure in expense reports (Expensya study, 2018). Applying your accommodation booking policy is a crucial issue.

Photographie de la réception d'un hôtel.

The C2A solution allows you to optimise this cost and the time spent by concerned administrativ e departments.

More freedom for the employee, who demands simple tools for better efficiency.

Photograph of a man reading financial documents.

More control for the employer, who demands the application of its overnight booking policy via a single web booking platform.

C2A logo

C2A: your savings booster

Save time and money with the C2A card